Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mobility Management Mechanism in MANET

MANET is a self-organization wireless network, which has dynamic topologic structure, and the nodes can move freely in this network. With the MANET used widely in several fields, people begin to attach importance to the interconnected network between the isolated MANET and the Internet. This interconnected network will enable the nodes move freely among the different MANET, while mobility management mechanism which depends on the routing protocols of MANET can not accomplish the mobility management. Thus new mobility management mechanism must be designed to track and locate the mobile nodes, then, accomplish the mobility management of the interconnection network of MANET and the Internet.Currently, the Mobile IP, as a major means of mobility management in the interconnection of the MANET to the Internet, set a limit to the specific application of MANET which requires fast deployment, auto-configuration network, and no pre-configured parameters, such as the disaster-rescue situations. In this thesis, a new system of mobility management called MMAH (Mobile management with Migrate in mobile Ad Hoc network) is put forward when Migrate idea is applied to the MANET so as to meet the auto-configuration requirements of the disaster-rescue situations.Specifically, in MMAH, Domain Name is used as the unique identifier of each mobile node, the dynamic DNS (Domain Name System) update mechanism is used for mobile host location and Migrate is used for mobile hand-off support, and the session layer is used for mobility management. Accordingly, it is implemented that mobility management is emphasized the characteristics of auto-configuration in the architecture for MANET accessing to the Internet. Simultaneity, a mobility detection algorithm for the disaster-rescue situations using MANET based on local routing information is presented in the thesis, which achieves mobility detection. In addition, MMAH architecture, migration mechanism, mobility management mechanism, mobility detection mechanism and gateway detection mechanism are described in detail in the thesis.